The Rev. Tina Reyes | Pastor

7019 Forsyth Blvd (& Big Bend)
St. Louis, MO 63105
House phone: 314-863-8140

Pastoral emergencies: 314-626-3202

Lu Min Website | LuMin Facebook Page | LuMin Instagram

LuMin St. Louis Ecumenical Campus Ministry is a progressive faith community. We are here to help you build an honest community as you wrestle through questions of identity & vocation during your college & early professional years. We live out our Christian faith with total inclusivity for all people and a focus on social justice. Come celebrate worship with us Sunday nights. We offer a variety of weekly events for undergrad, grad students & young professionals—and hope to be your place of welcome in St. Louis!

We are a mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, (ELCA) and the United Methodist Church (UMC).  We are also part of the LGBTQIA+ inclusive Reconciling Works Community and the Reconciling Ministries Network. We welcome ALL students & young professionals to join us for worship, fellowship, study, and rest.