Jacqueline Ulin Levey | Executive Director

Jordan Gerson | Silk Foundation Campus Rabbi – Chief Experience Officer

Hannah Rubin-Schlansky | Assistant Director

Missy Novotny | Administrator

Marisa Goldberger | Program & Engagement Associate

Rina Gersten | IACT Coordinator for Israel Education

Melanie Silver | Springboard Fellow

Rav Shlomo and Kyra Ashkanazy | OU-JLIC Directors 

WashU Hillel House
6300 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105

Hillel Website | Hillel Facebook Page | Hillel Instagram Page

Welcome to the beginning of your Jewish future!  Through our programs and those planned by WashU Hillel’s student groups, we engage over 1,000 undergraduates each year in our thriving, pluralistic community.  We’re excited to connect you with other Jewish students at WashU and with Jewish culture and traditions through service and social justice, religious life, social and leadership programs, and Israel engagement, including trips to Israel through Birthright or volunteer opportunities. 

We have a beautiful home on Forsyth that we hope you’ll visit and make your own, with plenty of free coffee and cozy places to relax and study, but we are more than just our building.  We are here to empower and support you on your personal Jewish journey…wherever and whenever that may be. We are also always available to provide pastoral care, referral, and support in times of illness or need.

WashU Hillel is supported by the Jewish Federation of St. Louis and is affiliated with Hillel International, connecting us to a vast network of Jewish students throughout the world.