Chana R. Novack | Chabad House Director
Rabbi Hershey Novack | Director and Senior Campus Rabbi
Rabbi Yankel Oster | JGrads Director
Chana Oster | JGrads Director
Polina Vorobeychik | Office Manager
Lindsay Eichhord | House Manager
Eden Yair | Israel FellowChabad House
7018 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105

Chabad Website
Chabad WashU Facebook
Chabad WashU Instagram
Jewish Graduate Students Association of St. Louis website

Chabad is a vibrant community for Washington University students and a beacon of Judaism for the campus community! We invite students to participate and their parents to sign up for updates.                           

Our Shabbat dinners, a cornerstone of Jewish campus life, welcome over 200 students each week. With delicious food, engaging company, and conversations that matter, it’s not just the most popular Jewish event at WashU; it’s where you belong!

Our holiday programs attract hundreds of students to celebrate Jewish traditions, including our recent Seders in the Athletic Complex. We have also organized Birthright Israel trips for over 1,000 Washington University students, offering a life-changing connection to Jewish heritage.

The Chabad Student Association, a dynamic launchpad for student leadership, develops social events and educational classes. Our dedicated Chabad professionals are part of the campus safety net, providing guidance, referral services, and chaplaincy support, including hospital visits.

Through separate programming and leadership with the JGrads initiative, we foster a strong sense of community among graduate and professional students at WashU and throughout St. Louis. Whether you want to connect with peers, participate in enriching activities, or find a supportive community, JGrads welcomes you.